Först vispade jag två äggvitor till hårt skum.
Sedan mixade jag 150 g sötmandel så fint det bara går. Om man skakar på mixern medans den arbetar hjälper till att få färre stora bitar kvar. Jag skållar inte mandeln när jag har kakao i smeten. Detta beror endast på ren och skär lathet. Sedan tillsatte jag 30 gram kakao och 120 gram florsocker. Om man inte har florsocker hemma är det lätt att göra eget genom att mixa vanligt strösocker i en mixer. (billigare också)
Efter det blandade jag mandel-sockerröran med den vispade äggvitan. Smeten klickade jag ut på en plåt med bakplåtspapper. Gräddade allt i 150 grader C i ca 15 minuter. Klart! Som man ser på bilden var jag inte så noga med mandelmalningen. Detta var en slarvkakomgång. vanligtvis så siktar jag mandeln och maler allt till finaste pulver oftast då med mandelkvarn.
En sats blir ca 30 st kakor
In most of the recipe collections from the 18th century can you find different varieties of biscuits or macaroons. This is a recipe that is a mixture of late 18th century biscuits made with cocoa, more egg whites and less sugar. I think most pastries, cakes and the like from the 18th century recipes are made of too much sugar. I made this recipe by the amount of almonds I had at home
First, I whipped two egg whites to stiff.
Second, I mixed 150 grams (5,3 oz)of almonds as finely as possible. Shake the blender while it works, you will have fewer large pieces remain. I will not scald the almonds when I have cocoa in the batter. This is only due to laziness.
First, I whipped two egg whites to stiff.
Second, I mixed 150 grams (5,3 oz)of almonds as finely as possible. Shake the blender while it works, you will have fewer large pieces remain. I will not scald the almonds when I have cocoa in the batter. This is only due to laziness.
Third, mix 30 grams (1 oz) of cocoa and 120 grams (4,25 oz)of icing sugar. If you do not have icing sugar at home, it is easy to make your own by mixing regular granulated sugar in a mixer. (Cheaper too) After that I mixed almond-sugar –cocoa with the whipped egg white. The batter I clicked on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Baked at 150 degrees C (300 degrees F) for about 15 minutes. Done!
One batch will be 30 cookies
One batch will be 30 cookies
nice that you write in english soon!!!
SvaraRaderathose kakor looks delicious
I have now translate the first Post. I'll try to translate the whole blog. Maybe you will have the recipe soon.